Monday, September 14, 2009

The Beginning...


A simple part of life is that our electronics eventually fail us. Nowadays, this means going to the store and buying a replacement for that old tv or radio. What happens to the old? Some people tuck them away in a closet or box. Others simply throw them out. My goal is to explore the possibility of salvaging the useful from the dead. Think of this as a guide for those wishing to make their electronics into "organ donors."

Recently, my granddad has given me full access to his old electronics shop. This has opened up a whole new selection of electronics for me to work on ranging from old tvs, radios, vcrs, and cameras. To put these aging appliances to good use, I have decided to go through the extensive process of taking them apart, down to the smallest pieces, detailing what is worth using, keeping, or selling for that DIY electrician.

Happy Hunting,

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